Yzma Kitten Ready to print!

by | Apr 6, 2023 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Hey guys! First model of the month is here! This year is set to be one of growth and transformation as we set our sights high and go all in together and what better movie to draw from for this than The Emperor’s New Groove!

While Yzma’s transformation is only superficial it is hilariously contrasting which really tickles me and makes me laugh. So cute and yet.. still a little scary! And, oh no! She stands between us and the throne! What will we do?

For this model I really tried to capture her malicious intent while maintaining her soft, cute appearance and to utilise environment to give more meaning and story to the piece as a whole. I hope you enjoy it and I can’t wait to share more of this story with you!

All the parts were all 3D printed with no supports, and a good idea to hollow the base in the slicer to save on resin as it is quite large.

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~~Thank you to everyone reading this post~~
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