Penguin King has arrived
Last week we earned $50 USD for charity from the Thangs leaderboard, Lets see if we can do it again!
This week’s effort begins with none other than the ever confident leader , directing his troops from the front lines completely sure in their ability to overcome any challenge! I hope you enjoy the hilarity of these little guys as much as I do! They come across as fierce and formidable, unstoppable and powerful, but in execution they are just small and cute, throwing snowballs that crash softly against their enemies causing little to no damage at all. They are unwilling to concede to this reality, their characters have a confidence and moxie that I truly enjoy.
Last weeks troops have been added to the Patreon/ thangs membership rewards so all SparkyFace5 supporters can access them any time and build a great army! I am currently keeping both platforms running, so if you prefer one over you get to choose.
Lastly I’d love to hear any feedback you guys have on the Thangs experience from your side. For me it has many advantages over Patreon and a few frustrating aspects and I’d like to hear your thoughts on it.