Yzma Kitten Ready to print!

Hey guys! First model of the month is here! This year is set to be one of growth and transformation as we set our sights high and go all in together and what better movie to draw from for this than The Emperor’s New Groove!

While Yzma’s transformation is only superficial it is hilariously contrasting which really tickles me and makes me laugh. So cute and yet.. still a little scary! And, oh no! She stands between us and the throne! What will we do?

For this model I really tried to capture her malicious intent while maintaining her soft, cute appearance and to utilise environment to give more meaning and story to the piece as a whole. I hope you enjoy it and I can’t wait to share more of this story with you!

All the parts were all 3D printed with no supports, and a good idea to hollow the base in the slicer to save on resin as it is quite large.

All Patreon Supporters can Download Yzma from here
Not a supporter yet? But want to be? Click here 

~~Thank you to everyone reading this post~~
leave a comment if this piece speaks to you in some way

Staking My Claim!

Mwahahaha! I’m working out a new plan to take us all the way top in 3d printing!

That right! We’re going to seize the throne! ULTIMATE POWER! And all thanks to this little magic concoction… which one? Ah yes..

“The poison, the poison for Kuzco, the poison specifically chosen to kill Kuzco.. Kuzco’s poison” Lets go!!

Alright alright, well, not quite like all that. But something is coming…
so watchout because…

Sparky’s got a New Groove !!

~~Thank you to everyone reading this post~~
Leave a comment below, I’d love to hear from you

He’s a little Odd Right? Like me.

Hello. Follow me. *Fart* *Giggles*

A blast from the past! I created this Abe Bust back in 2017 in tribute to the Abe’s Odyssey Game I loved so much. At the time I had only just begun my 3d sculpting journey, and much like Abe, I had no Idea how these first steps would go on to change everything!

If you’ve played it, you’ll most certainly have Abe’s GameSpeak script burned deep into your psyche. The gameplay was both heart poundingly tense as well as hilarious, the sound track was amazing, dynamic and perfect, AND there was a rich story that had me rooting for the underdog that, as an Australian, I could really get behind. It was easily my favourite Playstation game, it was just so .. different! I have many fond and frustrating memories Playing as Abe.

All Patreon Supporters can Download Abe’s Bust from here
Not a supporter yet? But want to be? Click here

~~Thank you to all my Patreons and to everyone reading this post~~
I am working hard to escape the evil Glukkon overlords. It’s with your support that I am able dedicate more time and resources to  upcoming projects and super Spark-tastic creations for you to enjoy.

Please remember to tag me @sparkyface5 if you print or paint any of my models. I love sharing in your joy and seeing what amazing things you come up with!

The Best Laid Plans..

There have been many times in my life where my dastardly plans.. I mean.. um..  noble aspirations.. though seemingly foolproof at first have fallen over sideways due to poor documentation habits or messy record keeping. So, don’t suffer as I have, be sure to keep your notes organised and tidy, and always use fresh , clearly marked labels for all your “food prep” adventures!

These Poison Jars from The Emperors New Groove can be 3d printed in clear resin and then filled with coloured liquid, or as pictured above the inside is lined with red UV curable resin. be sure the contents are fully cured before corking if you choose to do this. additionally if you apply a clear coat when done, the jars should regain a transparent glass like appearance!

All Patreons DOWNLOAD from HERE

~~Thank you to all my patreons and everyone reading this post~~
I am working hard (and keeping better notes) on several new upcoming projects its because of your support that I am able dedicate more time and resources to creating these Spark-tastic creations for you to enjoy.

Please remember to tag me @sparkyface5 if you print or paint any of my models. I love sharing in your joy and seeing what amazing things you come up with!

Mini Titan Turtle : Free STL!!

Hi everyone 🙂

I created this version of the Mini Titan for the man himself, who LOVES Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles so much there isn’t a day that goes by he doesn’t mention them.  It was a passion project and a surprise gift! Now I want to share this joy with all of you as well.

Titan is such an asset to the 3d printing space, and I’m so proud to call him friend. He’s a straight up good guy, funny, easy to talk with, knowledgeable, curious and supportive. He’s not afraid to get in the middle of things and tell it how it is and he certainly has a way with words.

Anyone who’s been paying attention to him will know he’s one of the biggest TMNT fans around, So when I saw Matt from Inspyr3d’s mini Titan model, it called to me, it begged me to turn him into a turtle with extra sass.. not just any turtle though, Titans favourite, Raph!  

If you print or paint this model please share it and tag me @SparkyFace5. I love to see you are enjoying the work I put out and especially to hear if it touches you in some way.

Mini_Titan_Turtle : DOWNLOAD

Follow Titan here:
Twitter: @titangamingTTV
Twitch: Titans_Revenge

Check out the work of Matt and the rest of the gang over at Inspyr3d:
website: www.Inspyr3d.com
twitter: @Inspyr3d , @patenaude_matt